IRS Employees Have Rights

Every so often, scandals at federal agencies whip through the news cycle. Frequently, long time federal employees can be improperly targeted in the subsequent attempts to correct perceived problems and clean house.  And, to be sure, there may be instances where disciplinary action is appropriate. But due process rights must be followed and any penalty imposed should be fair and equitable. If you are a federal employee facing a proposed disciplinary action, or think you might be facing a proposed disciplinary action in the near future, please contact KPW at (202) 898-4800 for a free initial consultation.  Our Washington, DC based firm has been representing federal employees for more than 20 years in proposed disciplinary actions and in appeals of imposed disciplinary actions to the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board. Jessica Parks serves as the Chair of KPW’s MSPB practice section.  Ms. Parks served as an Administrative Judge with the MSPB’s Atlanta Regional Office.  President George H.W. Bush appointed Ms. Parks to serve as one of the three Board Members of the MSPB, and her appointment was confirmed by the U.S. Senate.  President Bill Clinton elevated Ms. Parks to the position of Vice Chair of the MSPB.  While at the MSPB, Ms. Parks decided hundreds of cases, establishing important principles related to protecting employees’ due process rights, guaranteeing fair consideration of adverse actions, and enforcing reasonable and just levels of penalties. Read more about our firm’s MSPB practice here.